Photo-Illustration: Curbed; Photo: Adriane Quinlan
Was there anything else to talk about today in New York City? As prosecutors prepared to publicize the mayor’s indictment, the Eavesdropper was at City Hall listening to cops, security guards, and AV techs prepping for a council hearing, business as usual. Then, as prosecutors opened their doors for a press conference, the Eavesdropper rode the elevator at 26 Federal Plaza. Finally, we strolled down to the offices of the City Council and the Assembly to linger at the revolving doors as politicians, staffers, and constituents gossiped on their way to lunch.
Hey, guys, what a day!
I know.
Of course, it had to happen today.
Are they not letting us in?
He was meeting with the administration every week. I would never take that risk.
I dream about it.
Well, you have such a great story. You’re a guy who worked hard. Some people would have quit.
Well, I was on a visa for years. It keeps you close to the family.
I’m surprised how many people showed.
I am not surprised, given the news.
A “Where were you when?”
Exactly. I mean, who has something better going on?
That man did not know how to just take a nibble.
I saw the thing on Twitter and went, “Oh shit.”
I’m business as usual. Don’t worry about tomorrow.
Have you spoken to X?
It could just be one overseas person.
I’m hearing this affects human services and infrastructure.
Is he going to prison, then, or back here?
I’m just here checking it out — there have been some power issues in this
I heard the other day in Immigration the camera went out.
There’s always something, right?
It’s not easy.
Hey hey, New York! Fuck Eric Adams! Fuck Eric Adams!
You hear that Eric Adams is getting arrested?
All right!
Well that’s how you’ll finally meet him.
Strange world.
If it happens.
They said it’s serious.
Did they?
I just glanced at it, but it’s prolonged. It’s so widespread. It’s so prolonged. I don’t know how you defend this.
Sorry, who was that?
That’s Rob Holden, City Council. More moderate, conservative — very pro-Adams.
It’s totally unprecedented. This could be going back decades — back to Brooklyn borough president. There are pictures in the indictment of fancy hotel rooms, all of it paid for by foreigners. This portrays the mayor as someone who —
What’s up? Are we still sort of rotating chicken?
Everybody’s out today. Did he go to headquarters?
He doesn’t even want this position. They’re just taking his job.
Ideally, we would broaden it to just encompass all of DOJ —
How’s it going, man?
Couldn’t be better!
I’m not gonna get into the machinations of the people’s theater —
There’s no more space in there.
Do you have an overflow room where we can watch it?
I don’t think we do. We were having trouble with our livestream earlier.
I’m with the X. It’s a major news service all over Europe and South America —
Oh man. This is ridiculous. We were waiting all day for this thing. I shouldn’t have left.
I’m so sorry. You went out?
Well, it was raining and I had to pee.
I’ll talk to you later. I don’t wanna vent here.
The fact that he’s relatively famous in Turkey — I was like, What? I guess now he is. But before?
Man gets around, I guess.
What a day. What a freaking day. Were you surprised?
I wasn’t surprised, but yeah, the shoe dropped.
They have trackers in those cars, so I can’t even speed in them.
Yes, I heard.
Where did you hear?
I have a big antenna.
You have friends in high places.
He had, like, a Trump hat and was like, “They’re lying! They’re telling a lie!” Where we going?
The one we went to the other week.
I just have so many questions. All these referendums he had consolidating executive power — it seems strange.
Rikers — no, that’s jail.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I’m just thinking, from a prosecutor’s standpoint, what a beautiful picture of evidence. What a fucking scumbag. I mean, it’s really unbelievable. It’s really big … I’m outside … I’m wondering if there’s a place I can sit down … No, okay, go finish it … Good-bye … Good-bye.
Can you believe that state board of ethics thing I took last week, no, two weeks ago?
What was he saying, “God ain’t asking for no apology”?
It’s eye-opening.
I didn’t even see it until today.
What!? What were you doing?!
They get money for money.
He was pushing this narrative that he’s different.
It’s like snow falling. You know it’s coming, but it’s still pretty to look at.
The person you want to call is under indictment right now.
He can still call me back!